How to Lower Cholesterol Triglycerides & Raise HDL
Things You'll Need
- your cholesterol levels for HDL and LDL
- your triglyceride level
- BMI calculator (available on numerous Internet sites)
Lifestyle Changes
Change the type of fat you are including in your diet. Saturated fat (which is found in higher-fat animal products such as butter, whole milk and fattier cuts of meat) is a dietary source of both LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Excessive intake of saturated fat can raise LDL and triglycerides. Opt for leaner meats and skim milk or margarine. Add healthy fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils like those found in olives, nuts and avocados. Healthy fats increase your HDL level.
Cut the simple carbohydrates. These break down quickly and are converted to energy (glucose) which is stored as triglycerides (a form of fat). Examples include table sugar, candies, soda and white bread. Look for complex carbohydrates like those found in whole wheat, as they take longer to break down in the blood, preventing spikes in glucose. Eat whole fruit (which includes fiber) rather than just fruit juice, and avoid fruit drinks with sugar added. Sweetener comes in many types but can be equally full of simple sugars (corn syrup, honey, high-fructose corn syrup, molasses and maltose). The Cleveland Clinic recommends keeping sugar intake below 8% of daily calories.
If you are overweight, take steps to take off the pounds. Extra fat is stored as triglycerides. In addition, HDL decreases as you go beyond your recommended body mass index (BMI). Visceral fat (the kind you collect around the middle) also impacts HDL negatively.
Get some exercise. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate activity a day, most days of the week. This can be as simple as walking or regular outdoor chores. Running, biking and swimming are other possibilities depending on your abilities. Exercise increases HDL and assists with weight loss, which then decreases triglycerides. Remember that increased HDL allows for more disposal of LDL.
If you smoke, try to quit or cut back. Cigarette smoke decreases HDL and makes it more difficult to exercise as lung function declines. If exercise is too difficult, losing weight will be harder.