How to Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
First, eat lots of fruits and vegetables monitor the amounts of fatty meats and fish you eat. Choose to eat low fat dairy products and make sure you broil and bake your food instead of frying. When preparing foods be careful with sauces many of them are very high in fats. Salads with dressings is another type of food you eat thinking they are healthyy and instead you end up eating a great deal of fats. Read labels before you buy anything to check for fats.
Second, keep busy, make sure you keep your body moving. You want to try and maintain a healthy weight and keep to a regular exercise routine. High cholesterol usually goes hand in hand with obesity.
Third, don't smoke if you smoke stop and if you don't, it is not a good idea to start for whatever your reason may be. Smoking weakens the walls of the arteries and makes them more prone to the build up of cholesterol.