How to Raise Your HDL (Good) Cholesterol Level
HDL Cholesterol, or high-density lipoprotein, is known as good cholesterol. It is not the cholesterol we eat in foods but it circulates in our blood. Proper levels of HDL cholesterol help protect against heart attacks by eliminating LDL (bad cholesterol) from the body. LDL is what builds up as plaque in arteries, blocks them, and leads to heart attacks and strokes. HDL transports unused cholesterol back to the liver, where it become bile acids and is then eliminated from the body. Learn how to raise your HDL cholesterol levels through a few lifestyle changes.Instructions
Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity results increased LDL cholesterol and in reduced HDL cholesterol. This is very important if your excess weight is stored in your abdomen.
Stop smoking. Nothing is healthy about smoking. Quitting smoking will raise your HDL levels, and you will enjoy many other health benefits as well.
Get 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise on more days that not. Exercise not only promotes weight loss to help you maintain a healthy weight, but the metabolic changes and the physical act of aerobic exercise helps raise HDL levels.
Eliminate animal fat from your diet. Replace saturated fats with monounsaturated fats. Cut out the butter, full fat dairy products, and animal fat. Monounsaturated fats including canola oil, avocado oil, olive oil and in the fats in peanut butter can increase HDL cholesterol levels without affecting the overall cholesterol level.
Choose foods that raise HDL levels. Research has shown that consuming certain foods can raise HDL levels. These foods include orange juice, soy products, walnuts, garlic, and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids (like salmon, halibut, red snapper, and leafy green vegetables).