How to Reduce Cholestorol
Understand how the body gets cholesterol. Reducing your cholesterol requires that you understand from where it comes. Your body creates cholesterol in an amount that is sufficient for your body's needs. Foods from animals, but not plants, contain cholesterol. Physical activity creates a type of cholesterol that carries cholesterol away from your arteries and brings it to your liver, where it can be processed out of the body.
Eat right. According to the Mayo Clinic, the top five foods for reducing your cholesterol are oatmeal and wheat bran, nuts such as almonds and walnuts, fish, olive oil, and foods such as orange juice, margarine and yogurt that have been fortified with plant sterols or stanols to help block or reduce the absorption of cholesterol.
Lose weight. Excess weigh increases the amount of cholesterol in the body. As a result, people who want to lower their cholesterol should work to lose weight through diet and exercise. People who want to lose weight should look at their current situation, then make changes that result in more exercise and the intake of fewer calories.
Exercise every day. Exercising for 30 to 60 minutes a day can increase the amount of "good" (HDL) cholesterol in the body and reduce the amount of "bad" (LDL) cholesterol. The exercise does not need to be strenuous. Instead, people can go for a walk, take the stairway instead of an elevator or do push-ups and sit-ups.
Limit such activities as smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Both can increase cholesterol levels.