How to Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels With Exercise
Make an appointment with your doctor to have your LDL cholesterol level measured. This will help you decide whether it's feasible to try to lower your cholesterol through exercise only, or if you might need other lifestyle changes or medication in addition to doing more physical activity. It also gives you a starting point so your doctor can determine whether the exercise is effective.
Create an exercise plan that includes at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise each day. The Mayo Clinic says this is the minimum amount of exercise required to have LDL cholesterol-lowering benefits. You can walk, run, swim, bike or use the low setting on a treadmill, eliptical cycle or other exercise machine. The main goal is to raise your heart and respiration level. If needed, you can break up the 30 minutes into multiple shorter sessions.
Work your way up to more vigorous aerobic exercise. A Duke University study found that although moderate exercise helps lower your LDL cholesterol, vigorous activity is much more effective. If you start your exercise plan with activities such as walking, jogging and swimming, you can intensify them once you get yourself built up. If you use exercise machines, you can increase the level when you're ready.
Link up with an exercise partner to help maintain your motivation. You may be able to pair with a friend or family member who is also trying to lower her LDL cholesterol level. Teaming with another person can give you a sense of responsibility and help keep you from falling out of your exercise routine.
Work aerobic activities into your daily routine. Even when you're doing a formal exercise program, you can enhance your LDL cholesterol-lowering efforts by working more activity into your life. For example, use the stairs instead of taking an elevator or escalator, or walk to the store or a friend's house instead of driving.