How to Reverse the Effects of High Cholesterol
Visit the doctor for a blood test to determine whether your cholesterol level is so high that it's having a negative effect on your health. There are different ways to reverse the effects of high cholesterol, depending on your actual level. For example, if it's moderately high you may be able to reverse them through lifestyle changes. If it's very high, you might need more drastic measures such as medication.
Cut down on eating saturated fats. Even if your cholesterol is just moderately high, you can cut it back and reverse its effects by cutting down on foods that are high in saturated fat. The most common culprits include whole milk and other dairy products, certain types of meats and egg yolks.
Cut trans fats out of your diet. This can be accomplished by avoiding processed foods and those cooked by frying in trans fat-containing oils.
Eat cholesterol-lowering foods regularly. These include salmon, tuna, almonds, walnuts and oatmeal. The Mayo Clinic says that some foods, such as certain margarines and juices, are fortified with cholesterol-lowering stanols. Even though these foods can reverse high cholesterol and its negative effects, they should be eaten in moderation so you don't take in excess calories.
Exercise regularly. According to the American Heart Association, aerobic exercise, done on a regular basis, can reverse the effects of high cholesterol by building up your cardiac health. Consult with your doctor to work out an appropriate exercise plan that fits your current health level and abilities. Although it's usually best to do something that raises your heart rate, you can still get benefits from something as simple as walking.
Develop a weight loss plan with your doctor. In addition to cutting out fats, The American Heart Association says you can reverse the effects of high cholesterol by reducing your overall calories and losing weight. Besides having benefits on its own, weight loss can also allow you to exercise more frequently and intensely.
Take medication as prescribed by your doctor. If your cholesterol level is dangerously high or lifestyle changes aren't enough on their own, your doctor may prescribe a drug to reduce your high cholesterol level and offset its effects. The American Heart Association says are several types of medication that can lower cholesterol, so if your doctor's first choice causes unpleasant side effects, ask her if it can be changed.