Symptoms of Clogged Arteries
High cholesterol and deposits of plaque along artery walls can result in clogged arteries. Clogged arteries prevent the heart from receiving oxygen, and can be fatal if untreated. Strokes, heart attacks and coronary artery disease can result from blocked arteries. The following symptoms may indicate clogged arteries, and should be discussed with a physician.-
A common symptom of clogged arteries is chest pain, tightness or general discomfort in the chest. This is also referred to as angina.
Difficulty Breathing
Clogged arteries obstruct oxygen absorption and result in shortness of breath. Breathing may also be uncomfortable or painful.
Irregular Heartbeat
Clogged arteries can lead to an irregular heartbeat or heart palpitations. The heart rate may be sporadic or rapid, indicating that the heart is exhausting itself.
Weakness, dizziness and fatigue are symptoms of clogged arteries. Obstructed blood flow interferes with the oxygen supply for muscles, which leads to overall weakness.
Clogged arteries may cause nausea, upset stomach or vomiting. Related symptoms include appetite loss, feeling full or a choking sensation.