What Are Clogged Arteries?
Arteries are the blood vessels that are most crucial to the circulatory system. They bring blood to all of the different areas of the body.
According to WebMD, clogged arteries are the result of plaque gathering on the inner walls of the arteries. This plaque can reduce the flow of blood to the body, and can sometimes completely block it.
Those who have high bad cholesterol, according to WebMd, may have clogged arteries. Those with high blood pressure and those who smoke or are around smoke may also have clogged arteries, as well as those who regularly eat foods high in fat and get little exercise.
The common symptoms for clogged arteries include chest pain and shortness of breath. Those who have clogged arteries may also become weaker.
Those who have serious clogged arteries may need surgery. Surgery to remove the plaque and to strengthen the arteries is needed when the plaque can't be reversed or stopped.