Causes of High Triglycerides
Eating a diet with too much fatty food will cause a high triglyceride level. Consuming too many calories from alcohol and sugar can also cause levels to go up.
Gaining Weight
Typically, higher triglyceride levels coincide with weight gain. The more fat you have on your body, the higher your triglyceride level.
Medical Conditions
Several medical conditions, including kidney disease, liver disease and diabetes, are associated with high triglyceride levels.
As people get older, their triglyceride levels increase. This is one reason why heart disease becomes more common as people age.
A known side effect of certain medications, including diuretics, oral contraceptives and some steroids, is an increase in triglyceride levels.
In some cases, a high triglyceride level is a genetic condition. This includes hypertriglyceridemia.