Physical Symptoms of High Cholesterol
Our body produces certain amounts of cholesterol on its own. This is because it is needed for the development of our cells and muscles. However when we add to the amounts that we already make, especially with high fat foods, cholesterol levels begin to skyrocket and the results are detrimental to our health. Knowing what the symptoms of high cholesterol are could very well save your life.-
Many times the symptoms of high cholesterol are not noticed by those who suffer from it. It is essential to be aware of the physical symptoms so you may begin treating and lowering your high cholesterol as soon as possible.
As time goes on, cholesterol begins to build up along the walls of the arteries in the form of plaque. The plaque causes the arteries to narrow and often this is when the physical symptoms of high cholesterol are noticed.
Skin Symptoms
As cholesterol levels rise, they may begin to deposit fat that will appear in the tendons and under the skin.
High blood pressure can often occur when cholesterol levels become too high. This is because the heart has to work harder to pump blood through the clogged walls of the arteries.
Heart Attack
The build up of plaque along the artery walls can cause a blockage of the coronary arteries. This results in lack of oxygen being pumped to the heart and eventually a heart attack occurs.
Gall Stones
The liver is responsible for excreting toxins such as bile, out of our systems. The liver also escorts excess cholesterol out of the blood stream. Therefore, when there is a high cholesterol level in the bile, gall stones will form.