Foods That Increase Good Cholesterol Levels

Even if your total cholesterol level is acceptable, your doctor may tell you that your "good" cholesterol levels should be a little higher. This is because high levels of good HDL cholesterol are linked to protection against heart disease. When choosing a heart-healthy diet, eliminating high-cholesterol foods is a good first step. However, adding certain foods to the diet is also important for increasing your good cholesterol.
  1. Identification

    • When your doctor talks about your "good" cholesterol, he is referring to fats in your blood known as high-density lipoproteins or HDL. These fats are "good" because they gather excess cholesterol in your blood and take it to your liver for elimination.


    • Having high HDL levels means there's less "bad" low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in your blood. Having high HDL and low LDL levels provides protection against inflammation and damage to the heart and blood vessels.


    • Foods that increase your good cholesterol include fatty fish like salmon and sardines, fruits, vegetables and high-fiber whole grains, especially oats. An occasional glass of red wine may also be recommended to increase levels of HDL.


    • Diet isn't the only contributor to high levels of HDL. Getting regular exercise is also a highly effective way of raising good cholesterol levels.


    • While drinking one glass of wine a day is associated with boosting levels of HDL, drinking more than two glasses a day can raise your triglyceride levels. Having high triglycerides cancels out the heart-healthy effects of the occasional glass of wine, so it's best to stick to one drink a day for women and no more than two for men.

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