Signs & Symptoms of High Cholesterol
No Early Symptoms
One might suspect they would feel ill if their cholesterol was too high; however, this is not the case. High cholesterol basically has no symptoms and can only be detected through a blood test.
Life-Threatening Symptoms
Severe symptoms of high cholesterol occur after cholesterol has done damage to the body. Such symptoms include blood clots, clogged arteries, heart attack and stroke.
Who Should Be Concerned About High Cholesterol?
Doctors recommend having your cholesterol checked at the age of 20 to get a baseline number. After that, a cholesterol check every 5 years will suffice for more individuals. However, those persons with risk factors should be tested more often.
Risk Factors
Having a family history of high cholesterol puts an individual at a greater risk of having high cholesterol. Also, diabetics, obese individuals and those who smoke or have high blood pressure are at a greater risk.
High cholesterol can be treated by lifestyle changes such as modified diet and increased exercise. Also, high cholesterol may be treated by medication.