Foods That Cause High Cholesterol
Many people mistakenly believe that foods labeled as "cholesterol free" do not cause high cholesterol. This is incorrect. The body converts fats into cholesterol, so any food that is high in fat, particularly saturated fat, will cause high cholesterol.
Butter is high in fat, which the body converts into cholesterol. Avoid any foods that are prepared or seasoned with butter.
Fried Foods
The grease used to fry foods causes high cholesterol. Avoid fried foods. Opt for grilled foods to help lower cholesterol levels.
Regular mayonnaise is high in fat, which causes high cholesterol. Replace regular mayonnaise with a fat-free version, or use mustard instead.
Red Meats
Red meats contain high levels of animal fats and cause high cholesterol. Switch to white meats, such as chicken, or vegetarian "meats" to lower cholesterol.
Whole Cheeses
Whole cheeses, which are made with whole milk, cause high cholesterol because they are high in fat. Instead, eat fat-free or cheeses made from 2 percent milk.
Whole Milk
Whole milk is high in fat and will elevate cholesterol levels. Instead, drink 2 percent or fat-free milk. Another tasty alternative is drinking soy or rice milk.