How to Lower Cholesterol & Clean Arteries of Plaque
Understand your cholesterol. Many people that find out they have high cholesterol end up being confused. They are not sure what the numbers mean and how they work. Before you can find ways to lower cholesterol and clean arteries, you need to understand your cholesterol. Cholesterol comes in two different types. LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is the bad cholesterol you want to lower. It can lead to clogged arteries. Then you have the HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which is good cholesterol which you actually want to raise. Having enough of this type of cholesterol can actually help lower bad cholesterol and get rid of plaque in the arteries.
Start eating a healthy diet. Healthy eating is one of the best ways that you can lower cholesterol. You'll need to avoid foods that are high in unhealthy cholesterol such as egg yolks, fried foods, diary products with full fat and meats that are fatty. Unhealthy fats should be limited as well, especially the saturated fats. This can be done by eating more fruits and veggies and increasing the lean meats that you eat in your diet.
Exercise on a regular basis. While this is a modest way to lower cholesterol, it is one of the best ways to raise your good cholesterol. When you raise the good cholesterol, it can work to help clean arteries of plaque that can clog them up. You don't have to choose any particular type of exercise; however, you need to make sure that the exercise you choose gives your heart rate a boost. One of the top exercises for lowering bad cholesterol and raising the good is actually walking.
Incorporate foods into your diet that contain omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids also help to lower cholesterol, yet they are able to improve your HDL cholesterol levels as well. This will lead to healthier arteries, so eating foods such as nuts, seeds and olive oil can be a huge help.
Ask your doctor about medications. In some cases you may not be able to lower your cholesterol on your own, and cleaning arteries is even more difficult. You may need to start taking medication to provide some help. Various medications are available, including statins, bile acid resins, fibrates, niacin and ezetimibe. Of course, it's better to try to deal with your cholesterol naturally, but in some cases you may need to take medication for the best results.