How to Increase Your HDL Cholesteral Reading

When you think of cholesterol levels you don't usually think about how to raise them. But in the case of your HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels, that is exactly what you want to do. HDL cholesterol has important roles in the body, such as cleaning out the arteries and removing the bad (LDL) cholesterol to the liver, where it is synthesized and turned into waste. HDL also acts as an antioxidant by deterring the growth of dangerous free radicals in the body, which are responsible for illnesses from heart disease to cancer. There are simple, natural ways to raise your levels of HDL cholesterol, while at the same time lowering your LDL and improving your overall health.

Things You'll Need

  • Exercise regimen
  • Smoking cessation plan (if applicable)
  • Weight loss plan (if applicable)
  • Pure orange juice
  • Fiber rich foods
  • Nuts and/or olive oil
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  1. Lifestyle Changes

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      Exercise, specifically low intensity aerobic exercise, will raise HDL levels by three to nine percent when done for 30 minutes, five times per week. One study that supports this fact was done by Japanese doctors and was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, 2007;167(10):999-1008.

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      If you smoke, quit. Smoking actually lowers your levels of HDL and raises your LDL (bad) cholesterol. If you need help to quit, there are many resources and support groups available. Contact your health care provider for a list of options in your area.

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      If you are overweight, lose some. Even losing three to 10 pounds will raise your HDL levels. On the other hand, if your weight grows to an unhealthy level, while the scales are going up, your HDL is going down.

    Nutritional Ways to Raise HDL

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      Have a glass of orange juice. A study was done in Canada at the University of Western Ontario, where students drank a glass of orange juice every day for 28 days. At the end of the study, HDL levels had risen 21j percent. Orange juice is loaded with flavonoids, an antioxidant substance found in bright colored fruits and vegetables. Be sure you use 100 percent orange juice, and not a fruit juice blend with a lot of extra sugar added.

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      Fiber rich foods also raise HDL levels. Consuming at least 30 milligrams a day of fiber not only raises your HDL, but also lowers total cholesterol levels and LDL at the same time. Foods loaded with fiber are apples, celery, grapes, citrus fruits and vegetables.

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      Don't forget the fats. Foods that are high in fats such as walnuts, almonds, salmon and olive oil all contain monounsaturated fats, which help raise HDL levels and keep LDL levels down. Part of keeping the LDL down is due to the fact that your daily fat intake is being met by these healthy fats as opposed to saturated fats or trans fats. Throw some olive oil on your salads, or grab a hand full of walnuts for a snack.

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      In addition to all the tips above, see your physician. If you have a low HDL reading or high LDL, partner with your medical provider to get your HDL and total cholesterol levels under control.

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