How to Increase HDL Without Medication

So you just found out from your doctor your High Density Lipoproteins have increased. What in the world does that mean, you wonder. High Density Lipoprotein, or HDL, is the kind of cholesterol that's actually good for you. High Density Lipoproteins work to keep arteries open and clear of deposits by carrying any overabundance of cholesterol away and to the liver for removal. Since deposits of arterial plaque can contribute to heart disease, a high HDL level is good to have. On that note, here are some tips you can use to increase your HDL level without the use of medication.


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      Put more fish in your diet. It's believed the polyunsaturates in fish can raise HDLs.

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      Drink wine with your dinner. Besides having the ability to raise HDLs, wine can put you in a more relaxed state.

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      Exercise regularly. Get your blood pumping by walking or doing some other form of exercise. Play some music if you need help getting motivated. Dance or exercise on a daily basis and you should start to see your HDL level rise.

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      Drink green tea in moderation. Studies show that green tea has the ability to raises HDL levels in the body.

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      Add some grapeseed oil to your diet. The polyunsaturated fat in grapeseed oil raises HDL levels, according to research. You can use grapeseed oil to cook with, or in a salad. Shop online or in a specialty store if you want to find grapeseed oil in flavors such as chili, lemon, and basil.

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