How to Lower Bad Cholesterol
Eat a healthy diet. Establish and maintain a well-balanced diet rich in vegetables and protein. If you don't maintain a healthy diet and eat too many fattening or fried foods this can lead to high levels of cholesterol in your system. High levels of bad cholesterol can lead to a condition known as atherosclerosis which is the build up of dangerous plaque in the arteries. Atherosclerosis is a condition that worsens over time and can lead to heart disease and stroke. You are advised to begin eating healthier if you aren't already. If you are having trouble deciding what is healthy to eat, discuss a diet plan with your doctor before start.
Lose excess weight. Obesity is a common cause of high bad cholesterol. The larger a human being is chances are, they have high levels of bad cholesterol in their blood. Being overweight and having cholesterol problems is a double wammy because your heart is working too hard and you may be suffering from atherosclerosis. If you are more than 50 pounds overweight, you are highly encouraged to discuss possible weight loss possibilities with your doctor.
Begin a routine. You can't lose significant weight on just diet and diet pills alone. You're advised to get with your doctor and discuss an exercise plan that is appropriate for your age, weight and health. Exercising can have a profound effect on your cholesterol. A healthy diet along with physical activity on a regular basis can lower triglycerides and bad cholesterol while boosting your good cholesterol.