How to Use a Home Triglycerides Test Kit
Things You'll Need
- Home test kit
- Triglyceride reading to interpret results
Unpack the kit and be sure that all the components are included before you begin to use it.
Read the instructions thoroughly. Some tests require that you fast for several hours before talking the test. They may also tell you to stop smoking for a certain number of hours or not to take medication just before you begin the test.
Let your arm hang down at your side for about 30 seconds so the blood flows into your hand. Then lay your hand down in front of you with your palm facing up.
Prick your finger with the included lancet. You should have no trouble drawing blood from this area.
Collect the blood as instructed on the home triglycerides test kit instructions. Place it on the home test kit as indicated. There are several types of tests on the market. You might be placing it on a test strip that you enter into a hand-held measuring device. Alternatively, you could be putting it on chemically reactive paper that you will then send to a lab.
Package the collected sample in the materials provided if you are sending it off to a lab to have your triglycerides measured. Be sure to fill out the form completely and include all the information it asks for.
Wait a specified amount of time if your kit provides instant results at home. You might first have to pull a tab to activate a chemical reaction.
Compare the color of your sample to the chart provided to get your numerical reading. Then use the number to interpret your results, according to the information provided. If you are using a hand-held electronic device, it will give you a numerical reading automatically. Take this number and evaluate your results.