How to Read HDL Cholesterol Test Results
Gain an understanding that not all cholesterol is bad. In fact, your HDL levels could be too low, and this can put you at risk for heart disease, just like having LDL levels that are too high.
Interpret your results as follows: Test results of 60 mg/dL of HDL cholesterol are considered optimal for both genders. In men, a level of 40 is considered low and in women a level of 50 is considered low.
Face an increased risk of heart disease if your HDL levels are low and your blood triglyceride levels are high. Most people with this combination have higher heart disease risks.
Lower the stress in your life and raise your HDL cholesterol. Studies show that good coping skills don't just decrease the risk of heart disease. They also increase HDL cholesterol, offering protection for the heart.
Increase your HDL levels by eating monounsaturated fats. These are found in avocados and nuts. You should also decrease your intake of saturated fats such as those found in fatty cuts of meat. This will help lower your bad cholesterol.
Raise your HDL levels also by getting enough niacin (vitamin B3). If you want to supplement your B3 in higher doses, talk to your doctor first after she has read your results. Too much niacin can have negative side effects.
Take any medication you receive as directed by your doctor and pharmacist. Know that some prescription medicines to lower your bad cholesterol might also increase your good cholesterol. These include statins such as Lipitor and Zocor.