How to Read Triglycerides Test Results
Assess your heart disease risk using not just your triglyceride test levels but also your overall health and lifestyle.
Watch your cholesterol too. People with high triglycerides often have high cholesterol levels as well.
Read your test results as follows: A normal level is less than 150 mg/dL. A borderline level is between 150 and 199 mg/dL. If your level is 200 to 499 mg/dL you are considered to be at high risk for heart disease. Read a level of 500 mg/dL or more to mean you are at very high risk.
Discuss high triglyceride levels with your health care practitioner, especially if you have coronary artery disease. High levels have been associated with an increased rate of death in patients who already have coronary artery disease.
Evaluate your results with your health care professional to determine whether a treatment plan is necessary. She might prescribe medication or niacin to lower your triglyceride. There are natural and holistic methods that can be considered also.
Take any necessary tests to find the cause of elevated triglycerides. A high level of triglycerides could signal an underlying disease, such as an underactive thyroid glad, cirrhosis of the liver, a diet too high in carbohydrates and too low in protein, uncontrolled diabetes, kidney problems or pancreas problems.
Lower your triglyceride levels by maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, quitting smoking and drinking only in moderation. Controlling diabetes and high blood pressure will also help.
Very low triglycerides could indicate an overactive thyroid gland, a diet too low in fat, malnutrition or malabsorption.