How to Use a Home Cholesterol Blood Testing Device
Things You'll Need
- Home cholesterol blood testing device
- Instructions for device
Open the test kit and read the instructions fully before you use the test kit. This will help you become familiar with the process so you can do it correctly and get a more accurate reading.
Stabilize your cholesterol levels by sitting and relaxing for about five minutes before you use the test kit.
Choose a finger from which to draw blood. Your middle or ring finger is best. Hold the lancet in your dominant hand.
Let your arm hang at your side for at least 30 seconds. Then lay the same hand on a table or flat surface with your palm facing up.
Follow the home cholesterol testing device instructions to prick your finger and collect a blood sample. Wipe away the first drop of blood with some gauze, and collect the blood that follows it.
Collect enough blood. Many home cholesterol tests have a spot for you to fill with blood within a few minutes. Ensure that you fill it completely. Squeeze your finger to collect the blood more quickly.
Wait a few minutes then pull the tab and activate the test. Next, wait for the time specified in the kit instructions before you read your results.
Compare your test to the chart that is included with your kit. Do this in bright light to read it correctly.