How to Use Blond Psyllium to Lower Cholesterol
Things You'll Need
- Physician
- Water
- Blond psyllium seeds, seed husks or seed powder
- Lipid panel blood work
Use Blond Psyllium to Reduce Cholesterol
Find that psyllium seed is coated with mucilage. This mucilage does not dissolve in water, creating a gummy substance when stirred into water.
Discover that your body is unable to digest psyllium seed, so when it is swallowed, it passes through the body without being absorbed.
Use psyllium seed to treat high cholesterol because when blond psyllium mixed with water is swallowed, the gummy substance it creates sticks to cholesterol found in the foods you eat. Since your body is unable to process this substance, small amounts of cholesterol are eliminated from your body.
Look for a commercially prepared blond psyllium seed powder at your local drugstore. Many psyllium fiber therapy powders are prepared with sugar. However, it is better to take one without added sugar or one prepared with a sugar substitute.
Stir one-half tsp. or 2,500 mg of psyllium powder into at least 8 ounces of water and drink right away. Room-temperature water works best in creating an easy-to-swallow liquid.
Take psyllium diluted with water as many as two to three times a day to help lower cholesterol.
Use psyllium in conjunction with a healthy diet. Those concerned with lowering their cholesterol should consume a diet low in saturated fats such as hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils.
Seek out monounsaturated oils such as olive oil to aid in the creation of HDLs, or high-density lipoproteins. This type of cholesterol has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease when combined with the cholesterol-lowering effects of a supplement such as psyllium seed.
Use psyllium seed to lower blood sugar as well. This additional benefit of psyllium fiber therapy may be helpful to those with diabetes as well as those with high trigylcerides present in their blood work.