How to Raise HDL Cholesterol
Things You'll Need
- Cholesterol lab tests
- Physician
Boost Your HDL
Get moving to increase your HDL cholesterol. Regular exercise is an important component to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and aerobic exercise has been shown to increase your HDLs if done for periods of 30 minutes or longer several times a week.
Reduce your waistline and you may see an increase in your HDL cholesterol. Getting down to a healthy weight will not only raise your HDLs but may lower your LDLs (or "bad" cholesterol).
Avoid high-fat foods, especially those containing trans fats or hydrogenated oils. You'll typically find these oils used in fried foods, as well as many cookies, crackers and chips.
Incorporate more monounsaturated oils into your diet. These include foods like olive oil, avocados and whole nut butters.
Get more fiber in your diet. Soluble fiber helps to reduce your LDL cholesterol and raises your HDL level as well. You can find soluble fiber in foods like oatmeal, many fruits and vegetables, as well as in whole grains.
Stay away from processed, high-carbohydrate food. Because these foods contain more simple sugars, they may increase your blood sugar and decrease your HDL cholesterol in the process.
Prepare to shed a few tears when you add onions to your new HDL-friendly diet. Studies suggest that your HDL may be increased a substantial amount by eating up to a half an onion each day.
Raise a glass and toast to your new healthier lifestyle when you consume an occasional glass of red wine. These libations contain antioxidants that have been shown to slow the oxidation of HDL cholesterol, helping it to stay in your system longer.
Practice moderation when you attempt to raise your HDL cholesterol. Making small changes in your diet and lifestyle like introducing niacin into your vitamin regimen or quitting smoking, can have a big impact on your overall cholesterol level.