How to Increase HDL Cholesterol
Exercise. You may have heard it over and over again, but exercising at least 20-30 minutes a day to bring your heart rate up is essential to improving your HDL cholesterol. Make it a top priority for yourself. Walking briskly and jogging are both good options.
Keep your weight under control. Being overweight is bad for your health and increases your LDL cholesterol instead of the HDL.
Watch out for products that use "partially hydrogenated vegetable oils" or that contains trans fatty acids. They are bad for your cholesterol levels. It increases your LDL cholesterol and decreases your HDL cholesterol. Make a conscious lifestyle choice and eliminate it completely from your diet.
Quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol.
Increase the intake of good fats such as monounsaturated fats that are found in peanut butter, canola, olive, avocado and most nuts. These types of fats help to increase your HDL cholesterol level. Eating fish is also good for you.
Consume more soluble fibers such as fruits, vegetables and oats that are highly beneficial in reducing LDL cholesterol and increasing your HDL cholesterol levels.
Choose foods that are low in fats.
Keep trying when making changes and trying new things; it gets easier with consistent practice.