Harmful Foods for the Adrenal Glands
The adrenal glands are vital to many important functions in the human body, including the production of cortisol, sex (estrogen and testosterone) and steroid hormones (for strength and endurance) as well as the utilization of carbohydrates and fats and the conversion of fats and proteins into energy. The adrenals also oversee the distribution of stored fat (especially around the waist and at the sides of the face), help regulate blood sugar levels, maintain proper cardiovascular and gastrointestinal functions, and are responsible for the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant hormone secretions that are involved in allergic reactions.
Food Allergies
When an allergic reaction takes place, histamine is released. Cortisol is an adrenal hormone that counters these symptoms in an attempt to return things to normal. The more histamine that is released, the more cortisol it takes to control the inflammatory response and the harder the adrenals must work to produce the needed cortisol. If the adrenals are constantly working to meet the cortisol demand, they will eventually become fatigued and produce less cortisol.
It is important that one identifies food allergy sources if they are an underlying cause of adrenal fatigue. Otherwise, adrenal function will burn out altogether, and it will be much harder to overcome the problem once that has happened. The most common food allergens are milk, wheat, soy, corn, chocolate, tomatoes and beef.
Caffeine and Chocolate
Caffeine beverages, such as soda or coffee, can drive the adrenal glands constantly, keeping the vicious burnout cycle alive. Hot cocoa and other chocolate beverages may be even more harmful to the adrenals due to the combined effect of caffeine and sugar.
Sugar and White Flour
Foods containing sugar and white flour are the foods many people suffering from adrenal fatigue crave most. This is because hypoglycemia and adrenal fatigue often go hand in hand, and so the body craves foods that quickly raise the blood sugar. The problem is that they raise blood sugar too high, causing excessive insulin release. The excess insulin then causes blood sugar levels to crash, often leading to hypoglycemic symptoms and more cravings. This creates a dangerous cycle.
Harmful Oils
Commonly used types of hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils are vegetable shortening, margarine and the hydrogenated oil used in commercial peanut butters. Foods containing hydrogenated fats disrupt normal fatty-acid metabolism in the body. Digestion of these oils uses up the enzymes that normally would be used by healthy oils to create cell membranes and nerve sheaths. Most deep-fried foods are fried in hydrogenated oils and as a result contain free radicals that can cause oxidative tissue damage throughout the body. The adrenal glands work harder in response to this damage. If they are already overworked, then the burden takes an even greater toll.