How to Beat Constant Fatigue
To beat constant fatigue you first need to realize that you have a problem and are out of balance. Many times people either don't know it or are in denial, which makes matter worse. Worse yet, constant fatigue can escalate into more serious health problems if you allow it to continue.
Check your diet to be sure you're eating healthy. Always eat breakfast even if you're not hungry. Try to eat every 3-4 hours this will raise metabolism, which will release more energy. In addition, eat high fiber foods and snacks such as apples, pears, raisins, cereal bars and veggies to name a few.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Water is essential for the distribution of nutrients and also rids the body of waste products. Try to drink at least 8 glasses a day instead of sodas, coffee, tea etc.
Avoid caffeine and stimulants later in the day. They may cause you to lose valuable sleep. Then guess what happens the next day? You're worn out of course and feel irritable this is how constant fatigue works. Consequently, you create a cycle of bad habits building one upon the other.
Get exercise on a regular basis this sounds like it would increase fatigue, but it does the opposite. This is due to endorphins released in the brain that re-energize the body. Don't overdo, however, or it can be a cause of constant fatigue. Over training can place undo stress on the body.
Learn to breathe properly and practice deep breathing. Shallow breathing sometimes called chest breathing brings less air into the lungs. This reduces oxygen flow to the body and brain creating fatigue.
Make time for relaxation to get rid of stress. Stress and constant fatigue go hand in hand. As you know stress can be exhausting. It also helps to talk to someone and get your feelings out. In other words, vent! It can be extremely draining to keep feelings bottled up.
Finally, a couple of quick picker uppers are to splash cold water on your face or on the back of the neck and turn on some energizing music. Play your favorite pick me up song and see how fast your body and mind respond. I can't explain why it works, but it works like magic. Music can create feelings of energy.