How to Know If You Are Exhausted
Watch for excessive feelings of tiredness: getting sleepy for no apparent reason, struggling to wake up in the morning, a decrease in libido or an inability to generate energy for simple tasks. This feeling may recur over an extended period of time in some cases.
Look for corresponding emotional difficulties connected to exhaustion. You may feel depressed or unhappy, find yourself becoming irritable more regularly, and just not enjoy things that used to give you pleasure. In particular, watch for a lack of enthusiasm about upcoming activities, a sense that something fun and exciting "just isn't worth the effort."
Monitor your overall health. Exhaustion not only leaves you more vulnerable to colds and common illnesses but also prevents fast recuperation. Illnesses that leave you exhausted that then contribute to additional illnesses can be a bit of a vicious cycle.
Check your mental facilities to see if they have been affected by exhaustion. You may have a hard time concentrating or find yourself forgetting little details throughout your day. You might also find yourself drifting off in classes or business meetings or struggling to stay focused on a given task. As a side effect, you may indulge in caffeinated beverages more than you used to, as a means of maintaining the "edge" you feel you've lost.