Causes of Afternoon Fatigue
Disrupted Sleep
One of the most common causes of afternoon fatigue is disrupted sleep throughout the night. Worry, anxiety and depression can keep you on high alert throughout the night, making you toss and turn. Try relaxing your mind and body prior to falling asleep to get a full night's rest.
Dehydration also makes you feel drained. You can avoid this by drinking the recommended 64 ounces of water per day and limiting beverages such as coffee and sodas.
Poor Diet
Improper eating also results in frequent afternoon slumps, especially diets high in simple carbohydrates such as breads, candy and refined sugars. These types of carbohydrates are absorbed into the bloodstream quickly, thus spiking your insulin levels. While you feel an initial rush of energy, after about two hours your body crashes when your blood sugar levels drop significantly.
Lack of Circulation
Poor circulation from sitting for extended periods can also put a slump in your day. Refresh your body by going for a short walk. It will stimulate the brain and your circulation.
Dissatisfaction or boredom can easily make you prone to feeling drained in the afternoon. Feeling overstressed can also make you more prone to drowsiness. A minor adjustment in your attitude can make all the difference in your ability to stay alert and awake throughout the day. If you enjoy what you are doing, you're more likely to stay focused and alert.