How to Recognize Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
Notice if you are sleeping longer and taking more naps. People who suffer from adrenal fatigue experience ongoing tiredness. Often, a full night’s rest isn’t enough to regulate the adrenal gland, especially during stressful times. Therefore, people with adrenal fatigue may sleep more than 8 hours and require naps throughout the day.
Be on the lookout for periods of insomnia. Although adrenal fatigue causes tiredness, some sufferers have difficulty falling asleep. They may lie awake for several hours, which intensifies fatigue and can lead to other problems, such as irritability and depression.
Watch out for a dependency on soda, coffee or tea. Because people with adrenal fatigue are constantly tired, they often rely on stimulants like caffeine to get them through the day. Others have an intense craving for sugary foods, which can also boost energy.
Detect an inability to fight colds and infections. Whenever adrenal fatigue occurs, a person’s immune system weakens. You are more likely to develop colds, flu and other infections. In addition, it takes longer to recover from an illness.
Monitor weight gain. Because sufferers deal with extreme fatigue and stress, they tend to gain weight. Some eat to comfort themselves. In turn, lack of physical activity contributes to extra pounds.
Heed a diagnosis of a related condition. Doctors have discovered that some people diagnosed with adrenal fatigue also have an underlying condition, such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, hypothyroidism or chronic fatigue syndrome.