Causes of Incapacitating Fatigue
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome causes extreme tiredness, irritability, lack of appetite, weight loss, digestive issues and more. While no exact cause has been identified, chronic fatigue syndrome is suspected to be linked to chronic viral infections, genetics abnormalities, an extremely sensitive immune system or even psychological problems. Treatment will include treating symptoms. Often, antidepressants are administered to help treat the mood portion of this syndrome and a well-balanced diet along with vitamin and mineral supplements may help boost immune system response.
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
A number of vitamin and mineral deficiencies can attribute to incapacitating fatigue. An extremely common deficiency that causes this fatigue is lack of iron. Women who are of menstruation age are likely to have this problem and it worsens around the time of their period. A deficiency in B vitamins can cause incapacitating fatigue. A supplement of B Complex vitamins can not only bring on an energy boost but it can also decrease anxiety and calm the nervous system which helps with overall body function.
Heart Conditions
Your heart is the center of your body that keeps all organs working properly. Healthy blood pressure and heart rate are extremely important and if either of these are abnormal you'll notice a change in energy levels. If your blood pressure is too high your body is working too hard to keep you going. If it's too low that can still be a problem because your body is not receiving enough blood flow to keep your energy levels up. The same goes for heart rate. Too high means the body is working hard and too low means not enough blood is pumping up to the brain and down to the feet.
These days many chemicals are present in the food you eat, on the materials from which your home is built and even in beauty products. Many people believe that these chemicals can build up in your system and cause a variety of health concerns, one of which is often incapacitating fatigue because the chemicals are hampering your body's ability to function properly. Chemicals such as formaldehyde, BPA, and Toluene can all cause fatigue in sensitive people.