How to Minimize Fatigue
Things You'll Need
- Healthy foods
Add exercise to your day. A key element to reducing fatigue is the addition of exercise into your daily routine. Something as simple as a walk or bike ride can improve the function of your body, increasing your energy levels and decreasing the level of fatigue you may feel on a regular basis. Swimming, stretching and yoga can also have the same effect on your energy levels. Adding just five minutes of exercise into your day can help, according to American Academy of Family Physicians.
Change your diet and food intake. You may be eating foods that make you feel more tired, instead of foods that work to boost your energy. Eat a well balanced diet that is high in fiber and complex carbohydrates and low in fat. Consume more fruits and vegetables as these foods work to increase your energy levels, while sweets can have the opposite effect.
Improve your mental health. Stress and anxiety can cause you to feel very tired. Reduce your stress levels by not overworking and set limits for yourself. Learn some relaxation techniques to help you deal with stress, such as meditation or deep breathing. Therapists can also help you learn new ways to deal with daily stress in your life or teach you new ways of thinking. Reducing stress levels in your everyday life can increase your energy levels while helping you feel more relaxed and calm throughout the day.
Get enough sleep. Although the average amount of sleep an adult needs is eight hours per every 24 hours, according to, not everyone is the same. To help decrease your amount of fatigue, go to bed at the same time every night and do not leave on a TV or radio that could be distracting. If you still feel tired during the day, adjust the amount of hours that you sleep each night. You can increase or decrease the amount of hours accordingly to see what works for you.