Natural Uses of NADH
Alzheimer's Disease
NADH is used as a natural treatment for individuals living with Alzheimer's disease. There are not currently any confirmed successful case studies for the use of NADH and Alzheimer's, but some individuals believe that NADH can aid in slowing the progression and relieving symptoms of the disease. Alzheimer's disease effects the brain by destroying the brain's cells and is known as a fatal condition. More than five million American citizens are currently living with this condition (as of 2010). Symptoms of Alzheimer's include memory loss and dementia, and there are prescribed medications that can aid the diseases symptoms.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
The NADH company claims that individuals living with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) who use NADH as a natural treatment for the condition experience temporary relief from feeling fatigued. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition that causes a continued feeling of fatigue, and lowers the level of physical and mental activity within an individual and can not be remedied with sleep.
Parkinson's Disease
FDA-approved clinical trials have not yet occurred that prove that NADH is beneficial to patients with Parkinson's disease but some individuals do use NADH as a natural treatment for this condition. Parkinson's disease is a motor system disorder due to particular brain cells no longer producing dopamine. Effects of Parkinson's include not being able to control or enhance physical movements and actions, including speech. Unfortunately, there is no cure available for this medical condition, but there are medications available that can provide symptom relief. Medications used for symptoms of Parkinson's include Carbidopa and Levodopa.
Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that is not link to any particular medical cause. Individuals who suffer with fibromyalgia experience pain in different areas of their bodies as well as emotional pain and social pain. Fatigue and depression are symptoms of fibromyalgia as well as sleep problems, irritable bowels, concentration and memory problems, skin irritations and impaired coordination. NADH has not been scientifically proven to help with fibromyalgia, but natural treatments are said to benefit individuals living with this syndrome. Relaxation techniques and a change of lifestyle are also considered beneficial for fibromyalgia sufferers, as well as medications prescribed by a specialist or doctor.