How to Combat Extreme Fatigue
Do light exercise to boost energy and lower stress. Strenuous exercises may stress joints and muscles and increase fatigue. Incorporate easy, light movements such as pilates, yoga, swimming or walking to help increase energy levels. Exercise can also lower stress hormones.
Eat healthy foods. Junk foods and fatty foods can zap your energy and worsen fatigue. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and healthy fats such as nuts.
Reduce caffeine intake, especially before bedtime. Teas, coffee and soda can cause over-stimulation and disrupt sleep. Decrease your intake or eliminate caffeine completely to improve sleep and fight fatigue.
Take vitamin supplements. Multivitamins and other supplements such as B12 and Sam-E can help improve your mental outlook and boost low energy levels. Take supplements as directed, and consult a doctor first.
Take a break. Pacing yourself and frequent breaks are essential to dealing with extreme fatigue and chronic conditions. If possible, opt for part-time employment and take short naps during the early afternoon to recharge your mind and body. Long naps can delay sleep at night and complicate fatigue.