How do I Obtain Disability With Fibromyalgia?
Things You'll Need
- Diary
- Records from every doctor visit that supports your claim
- Records from your pharmacy
- Letter from your doctor(s)
- Testimonies from co-workers
- Completed disability application
- Completed Work History Record
- Records of hospitalization(s) that supports your claim
Make extra copies and keep all information organized. Gather information that will be asked for by the disability application you fill out online, at home or the Social Security office. You will need the names, addresses and phone numbers of every doctor, clinic, hospital or therapist that has and is treating you for fibromyalgia. You will need names of every medication you were prescribed and the dosage and dates from the beginning of treatment up to the most current. You will need copies of every medical record that pertains to the treatment you have had and are currently receiving. It is a good idea to make a copy of your social security number and birth certificate, as these two items will be asked for by the social security disability office.
• Medical records from your doctors, therapists, hospitals and clinics
• Laboratory and test results
• A summary of your most recent work history--assigned duties,specific details of type of work and wages earned
• Your most recent W-2 form or, if you were self-employed, a copy of your federal tax return.
Record information concerning all members of your household--spouse, children and others. You will need social security numbers, dates of birth and relationship to yourself. The documents you need must be original documents or copies certified by the issuing office. The Social Security office will make copies of your original forms for you and return your originals. Even if you do not have all the information you need, the Social Security office will help you get copies of forms needed.
Complete the application online or request a written form from your local Social Security office. The Social Security office has an online Starter Kit you can begin with. You can receive help from the Social Security office in filling out all forms. There are two forms, the Disability Application and the Work History Record.
Continue to keep all records of doctor visits, medications and therapies while you wait for a determination. You must have the name of the doctor, his address and phone number for your latest visit when you interview with the Disability Judge. Do not miss any appointments or refuse any treatments. Remember, the judge will not accept the excuse that you could not afford to get treatment.
Dress neatly for your visit with the judge. He or she may interview you for an hour or more. He will likely rule against your disability if your record of treatment is sparse. The more doctors or therapists you see, the better your case for disability will be. Make sure your doctor has actually written the diagnosis of fibromyalgia in your records.
Reapply immediately if you are turned down. Almost all applications are turned down the first time of application. This is standard procedure to weed out those who might file frivolous claims.
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