How to Increase Energy
Maintain a regular bedtime and wake time each day, and make sure you are getting enough rest and sleep. Schedule 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Use relaxation techniques such as soaking in a hot tub before bedtime, sleep on a comfortable mattress and keep the bedroom dark, quiet and cool.
Start your day with sunshine to make you feel more awake by reading the paper near a window or drinking coffee outdoors. Daylight contributes to your natural body rhythms by stopping the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which makes you sleepy. Take a walk in the sunshine during the day to boost your energy levels.
Exercise regularly, but be sure to finish your workout several hours before it's time to go to bed.
Eat small amounts of food with carbohydrates throughout the day to keep your blood sugar from getting low and to sustain energy. Three moderate meals and two snacks can help. Combine carbohydrates with protein for a longer lasting effect. Drink enough water throughout the day.
Turn off electronic gadgets that command your attention. Constantly answering email, voice mail and instant messages drains energy when we try to switch gears and multitask. Designate a time to respond, like once every hour or two.
Maintain correct posture at the computer keyboard by sitting with your legs at right angles to the floor and your arms at right angles to the keyboard with your shoulders down. Stand and stretch or walk around regularly. Poor posture can make your muscles contract and impede blood flow to the brain, making you feel drowsy.
Eliminate visual clutter to calm the mind. Piles of mail on the countertop at home, folders on your desk at work and computers in the bedroom make for a stressful environment that saps energy.
Surround yourself with positive thinking people. Listening to complainers all day can be exhausting. Boredom can have a similar effect, so try to partner up with a friend or coworker to complete a task. Promise yourself a reward when you complete the boring task to motivate and energize you.