How to Balance Adrenals
Things You'll Need
- Quality food
- A total body cleanse
- Holy Basil
- Licorice root
- Natural sleep support
Eat better food. Clean, quality food is easy for your body to digest, and therefore puts less stress on your body. Too often people think about the stress from work, from driving or from the family, but completely ignore the stress we put on our digestive system. Eating a couple servings of organic fresh fruits and vegetables and getting quality nutrition can go a long way. Cut back on the processed food, and eat more fresh foods.
Make sure you're getting all your basic vitamins and minerals. This can be hard to do with diet alone. To make sure you don't have any nutritional deficiencies, you should take a quality, food-based multivitamin every day.
Do a total body cleanse. Once you have cleaned up your diet, you need to undo some of the damage you have done in your body. By taking a total body cleanse, like the Dual-Action Cleanse, you can rid your body of many toxins that are causing your body stress. A quality cleanse will remove deadweight from the colon, and help remove toxins from the liver and kidneys at the same time. This will ultimately result in reduced stress on the body, and potentially some weight loss.
Take supplements to help balance your cortisol. There are a number of herbs and minerals that help your body regulate cortisol. Chromium Picolinate is a simple substance that can help reduce your cortisol, and potentially help your blood sugar it if happens to be too high. The recommended intake is 200mcg one to two times per day with food.
Licorice root can be your best friend if your condition is further along. Licorice makes the cortisol in your body more able to last longer, reducing the amount your adrenals have to produce, while keeping your energy levels up. It basically helps let your adrenals catch up. Liquid extracts are best. Take one serving in the early morning and another after lunch.
Holy Basil helps your body reduce cortisol. The best time to take Holy Basil is in the late afternoon or early evening. This is the general time when your cortisol levels should be coming down, so it will help reestablish the correct cycle. Take one serving with dinner.
Get proper rest. Rest and relaxation are key to balancing your adrenals. A lack of rest is a major cause of imbalance. Be sure to get a minimum of 7 solid hours of sleep every night -- if your condition is further along, maybe more. If you have a hard time getting to sleep or getting a quality night's sleep, then you might want to consider a natural sleep aid. Some melatonin or magnesium at bedtime can help your body relax, and make it easier to sleep without the problems of grogginess the next morning or being unable to wake up on time.