Home Remedy for Tiredness
Get Some Sun
Tiredness can arise from a number of sources including both simple post-workout tiredness and depression-related feelings, but some time in the sun can fight almost any type of tired feeling. For individuals who feel tired after strenuous exercise or a long week at the office, a few hours on a poolside or beach front lounger can help soothe tired muscles; a relaxing afternoon lazily lounging outside also helps relax the mind, chasing away many of the mental stimulants that combine to prevent sleep and perpetuate the tired feeling. At the same time, exposure to natural sunlight helps stimulate the body's natural production of Vitamin D and serotonin, chemicals linked to critical functions like human energy levels and mental health. According to research published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, a half hour of exposure to summertime sun can produce up to 1.25 milligrams of Vitamin D through the skin's natural photosynthesis functions.
Work Out
While it may seem counterintuitive that increased activity, and especially intense activity, can fight tiredness, fitness enthusiasts proclaim that routine workouts boost energy levels, fight stress, improve mood and fend off fatigue. A 1987 article in the Spokane Chronicle explains that regular workouts release endorphins that boost the body's metabolism and inject energy into the body. At the same time, working out builds muscle mass that raises the body's caloric consumption, a process that maximizes the release of energy from food. The fitness expert who penned the article recommends hour-long workouts at least three times per week, though gym trainers typically suggest starting with 20-30 minute sessions three to five times per week.
Change the Diet
If tiredness persists despite increased exposure to sunlight and a regular exercise pattern, the cause may stem from dietary deficiencies. Medicine Plus, an online service of the United States National Institute of Health, recommends that individuals who suffer from tiredness and fatigue eat a well-balanced diet and drink ample amounts of water throughout the day. Foods rich in iron, like liver and venison, can also help fight tiredness, especially fatigue related to anemia.
Get Some Sleep
In addition to diet, abnormal or deficient sleep patterns can also cause tiredness and fatigue. Medicine Plus lists specific sleep disorders like apnea and narcolepsy as specific sources of tiredness, but seemingly insignificant disruptions like too much light in a room or a poor mattress can also contribute to chronic tired feelings. Individuals who suffer from unexplained tiredness should carefully evaluate their sleep patterns, paying careful attention to regular sleep interruptions like crying babies, telephones or barking neighborhood dogs.