How to Treat Chronic Fatigue With Antidepressants
Treat Chronic Fatigue With Antidepressants
Meet with your doctor to discuss your options for treating chronic fatigue with antidepressants. There are many different drugs available, and you should start with mild doses if possible.
Take your prescribed antidepressants exactly as directed in order to treat chronic fatigue syndrome. Most drugs require only one dose per day and should be taken with food and a glass of water.
Learn about the expected results of your medication. Often, antidepressants treat a variety of chronic fatigue symptoms by correcting low levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. You may have an easier time sleeping, experience increased energy and feel less depressed.
Stay on your doctor's treatment plan. Sometime you have to take an antidepressant for 3 to 4 weeks before you feel its full effect. The usual procedure for treating chronic fatigue with antidepressants is to take them for 6 months to a year and then decide whether they are still needed.
See your doctor regularly to discuss your initial reaction to the antidepressants. Some drugs will increase insomnia, and your doctor may want to give you a mild sleeping medication. Your doctor may want to change your prescription if you often have to take other medication to control pains related to chronic fatigue syndrome.
Start an exercise routine once you've become accustomed to your medication. This lifestyle change can help you naturally prepare yourself to cope with chronic fatigue syndrome when you stop taking the antidepressants. Check with your doctor before starting a cardio-workout schedule, however, because too much exercise can put increased strain on your body if you are taking some varieties of antidepressants.
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