How to Recover From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Be wary of programs promising to cure CFS. There have been no serious studies undertaken to estimate recovery rates, but anecdotal evidence suggests that very few patients return to total pre-diagnosis activities. Groups which tout total recovery should be viewed with skepticism. Progress is most reliably made by devising an individual treatment plan in concert with a reputable physician.
Set reasonable goals for recovery. People who acknowledge the disease and work toward slow and steady progress are the most likely to recover some semblance of their former lives.
Network with other CFS patients at your hospital for both information and support. As a recently recognized disease, there is very little hard data for doctors to call on when discussing the ailment with CFS patients. One of the best ways to learn the course of the disease and treatment plans which may aid in your recovery is by speaking with other patients who have been dealing with it over a period of years.
Approach recovery as a two step process. The first step is rest, the second step is a slow testing of your limits. Upon diagnosis, take time to allow your body to recuperate. Many doctors feel that CFS has its origins in previous illnesses that have left the body unable to recover fully.
Treat the symptoms of the disease while your body gains strength. Once your body becomes stronger, start an exercise program and little by little stretch the boundaries of what you can do.
Remain disciplined even after your symptoms wane. Many people see a remission of CFS as a recovery. They often return to the same work, exercise and health practices which resulted in the onset of CFS. A reversion to the same lifestyle you had prior to your initial bout of CFS can quickly lead to a relapse.
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