How to Prevent Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Eliminate undue stress from your life. Many CFS patients associate their first bout with the illness with an especially stressful time in their lives. The stress did not necessarily have to be from a negative situation. It could also have been from a positive situation, such as a wedding or an anniversary.
Attend to small illnesses promptly and completely. No direct link has been established between viral or bacterial infections and CFS, but many people with CFS report it first occurred after a cold or other respiratory problem.
Avoid prolonged exposure to chemical contaminants. Leave your home when it is being painted. If you are doing the painting, wear a mask. Try not to have direct exposure to other chemicals through inhalation or touch.
Abstain from caffeine, tobacco and alcohol. You should also limit your intake of sugar and sugar substitutes.
Practice moderation in your lifestyle. Don't exercise, work or eat to excess. Establish consistent and sufficient sleep patterns.
Be aware that if you already have an illness which results from or causes a suppressed immune system, you are at greater risk for developing CFS. People who have had their immune systems medically suppressed for some reason are also at an increased risk for the disease.
Remedy recurring dental and sinus problems. Abscesses and chronic infections of the sinus cavities could be one factor in developing CFS.
Take prompt action if you are infected with mononucleosis. Many eventual CFS sufferers have a prior mononucleosis infection.
Recognize that the CDC has recently concluded that some people may be genetically more prone to CFS than others. There does seem to be a link between people who do not adapt well to change and the onset of CFS.