How to Make Moisturizing Saline Nasal Spray

Nasal irrigation solution is a useful and easy to make remedy for the treatment of cold and flu symptoms. For many people, nasal irrigation works faster and more effectively (when used to treat sinus congestion) than an over-the-counter cold or flu medication. Make your own nasal irrigation solution with ingredients found at home or in any grocery store.

Things You'll Need

  • Pickling or canning salt
  • Baking soda
  • Distilled or boiled water
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      Mix 3 tsp. of salt with 1 tsp. of baking soda. Avoid using salt with iodine or other preservatives that may irritate the nasal lining. You may make more of this solution as long as you adjust the measurements and keep the proportions the same. Using more or less of the ingredients can result in a solution that is harmful, rather than soothing and helpful.

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      Stir 1 tsp. of the above solution into 8 oz. of cooled boiled water (or distilled water). For children, reduce the measurements by half. Be careful to stir the mixture and not shake it. Shaking may produce bubbles that irritate the nasal passages.

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      Pour the mixture into a bulb syringe or nasal saline applicator and apply by tilting the head forward and spraying into each nostril until it runs out the other side. After use, discard the applicator if it is disposable, or rinse with hot water (no detergent) and store for later use if non-disposable.

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