How to Get Rid of a Bronchial Dry Cough
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Tea bags
- Mug
- Essential oil
- Pot
- Stove
- Apple cider vinegar
- Honey
- Spoon
- Humidifier
Food and Drink
Consume only warm or room temperature food and drink if climate control is the cause of your problem. The warmer food and drink will help keep your throat moist and your body temperature regular, preventing the cause of the cough. Hot tea, especially those made with wild cherry bark, slippery elm or red clover, is a great way to soothe your throat and keep your temperature regular. Add lemon or honey for added taste and soothing effect.
Mix 2 tsp. of apple cider vinegar in an 8-oz. glass of water and drink whenever you feel a cough may be coming on. The vinegar will reduce irritation and inflammation in your throat.
Mix ½ cup of honey with 3 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar. Swallow 1 tbsp. of this mixture as needed for coughing fits throughout the day, or before bed to prevent waking up from coughing.
Add 1 tbsp. of honey to an 8-oz. glass of boiling water and drink as needed to soothe the throat.
Mix 10 to 15 drops of essential oil (such as eucalyptus, cedar or peppermint) to a pot of boiling water. Hold a towel over your head and bend into the steam being released by the boiling water. Inhale the steam to soothe a dry throat.
Take a hot bath or shower; the humidity from the hot water will soothe and loosen an irritated throat.
Purchase a humidifier and run it in a central area of your home. This will increase the humidity in your home, which will moisten the bronchial area that causes a dry cough.