How to Avoid Contracting Cold Sores
Things You'll Need
- Hand sanitizer
- Lemon balm
- Peppermint oil
- Echinacea
Avoid coming into contact with individuals or objects that may cause you to contract the virus. Avoid having oral contact with someone who has the herpes simplex virus. Do not exchange bodily fluids or have unprotected contact. Avoid using the same utensils, silverware or drinking cups with a person who may have a cold sore virus.
Watch your health. There are certain things that can trigger a cold sore. These might include stress or catching a cold or flu virus. Take precautions against these infections. Dress appropriately for cold weather and eat a balanced diet rich in Vitamin C. Although some areas of stress are unavoidable, try to be aware that stressful situations can trigger an outbreak. It is also important to keep your hands germ free by washing frequently and using hand sanitizer.
Use supplements. Natural remedies provide anti-viral agents. Use supplements like echinacea, lemon balm or peppermint oils. All of these work naturally to heal the development of cold sores and will aid in the onset of one.