How to Cure Cold Sores with Lysine

You can incorporate lysine into your diet to help fight cold sores. At the same time, you should monitor your arginine intake. Lysine and arginine compete for the same space inside your body. Arginine can aid the growth and reproduction of cold sores, and lysine can't. To prevent cold sores, fill your body with a high lysine level and a low arginine level. Margarine has a 3-to-1 lysine-to-arginine ratio, and many dairy products, like plain yogurt and Swiss cheese, contain at least two times the amount of lysine as arginine. Other foods that are beneficial to eat are beef, fish, chicken, milk, eggs, apples, pears and apricots.

Things You'll Need

  • Lysine ointment
  • Lysine supplement
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    • 1

      Purchase a lysine supplement and ointment.

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      Take 1,000 mg of the lysine supplement three times a day.

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      Spread the lysine ointment onto your lips about five times a day.

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      Stay away from foods with a high arginine content. Seeds, peanuts and soy protein all have high arginine levels.

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