Holistic Cures for a Sinus Cold
The Tapping Method
Use the tapping method to relieve sinus pressure and open the sinus cavity. Ask a family member or friend for help. Sit down in a chair and relax. Have your friend use his hands to tap along the frontal sinus cavity. Beginning at the temples, have your friend tap quickly and moderately hard along the cheekbone until hitting the sides of the nose. Once at the nose continue tapping back up to the temples. End the tapping with a light to moderate massage of the temples. Repeat as often as needed.
Strengthen the Immune System
Earthclinic.com advises strengthening the immune system to ward off a sinus cold. Sleep at least eight hours a night, drink six 8-oz. glasses of water daily and eat a well-balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits. Avoid mucus-forming foods and beverages such as dairy, highly processed sugars and wheat products. Buy fresh garlic from the grocery store. Take one clove and crush it with a fork. Wait 15 minutes and then place the crushed garlic on a teaspoon. Smother the garlic with honey and eat the entire teaspoon. Garlic is one of nature's best natural antibiotics and will also help strengthen the immune system.
Drink Apple Cider Vinegar
Drink apple cider vinegar to alleviate the symptoms of a sinus cold and prevent a sinus infection, according to natural-holistic-health.com. Apple cider vinegar thins mucus, allowing the sinus cavity to drain, which will help reduce sinus pressure, headaches and brain fog. Sip on apple cider vinegar throughout the day by making a tonic of ¼ cup apple cider vinegar and 1½ cups water. Add a little honey to sweeten the tonic and make it go down easier. You can also take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar straight if you can stomach it. Do not use apple cider vinegar if you have stomach issues such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome or other gastro-intestinal conditions.