How to Thin Mucus in the Chest
Things You'll Need
- Medication
- Humidifier
Drink water to thin mucus in the chest. Liquids can loosen mucus and clear congestion. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, to flush toxins and alleviate congestion.
Fight mucus with a decongestant. To remedy the accumulation of mucus in the chest, take a decongestant available without a prescription at your local drug store. Take as instructed.
Talk to you doctor about cough suppressants. Taking a cough suppressant when battling a cold or flu can aggravate congestion and cause the build-up of mucus. Speak with a pharmacist or doctor to see if a cough suppressant is right for you.
Limit use of cigarettes. Smoking with chest congestion can prompt the production of excess mucus or phlegm. Avoid cigarettes and other tobacco products to control and thin mucus.
Use a vapor rub on your chest. Apply a thin coating of vapor rub to your chest to remedy congestion and ease coughing.
Modify the air in your home. Moist, warm air is an effective remedy for chest congestion. Increase the moisture in your home with a humidifier, or breathe in steam from a hot shower to thin mucus and ease congestion.