What Can Be Done to Ease Very Dry Nose Membranes?
Drink Water
If the membranes in your nose are dry, you need to re-moisten them as quickly as possible. Whenever you start developing a dry nose, start drinking more water. This will help to increase the mucus production of your nose, which is what keeps your nose moist in the first place.
Maintain Indoor Air Humidity
If you have a humidifier, set it up in the room where you are the most, and run it as often as possible. If you are not at home very often, set it up in your bedroom and leave it on while you sleep. You can also set out bowls of water around the house, which will leech water into the air and help promote a humid atmosphere.
Try to keep the temperature in your house slightly warm, to help keep your blood vessels in your nose from constricting due to the cold, and to help the water in the air to circulate more freely. Do not run your heaters or air conditioner too much, though, since treated air (air that has been run through an air conditioner or has been heated) is much drier than air that is non-treated.
If the dryness inside your nose on your membranes is spreading to the outside of your nose, try to moisturize your nose with lotion several times per day. This will help increase the amount of moisture that is around and in your nose, which can reduce the dryness both outside and inside your nose.
You can also try drops of saline solution in your nose to keep it moist, although if a child is the one with the dry nose, they may be averse to this technique. You can also try rubbing small amounts of petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline) on the inside of your nose, being cautious not to push it down into your nasal passages.
Chest rubs are also a great way to promote moisture development in your nose.