How to Stop a Scratchy Throat
Things You'll Need
- Glass
- Salt
- Spoon
- Tea
- Honey
- Hard candy or throat lozenge
- Over-the-counter pain medication
- Vaporizer or humidifier
- Neck scarf
Fill a glass half-full with warm water. Stir in 1/2 tsp. salt. Gargle the salt water and rinse mouth with cool water when finished. Avoid swallowing the salt water as it could upset your stomach.
Pour 1 tsp. honey into warm tea and stir. Sip the tea, allowing the warmth to soothe and the honey to coat your throat.
Pop a hard candy or throat lozenge into your mouth. The lozenge or candy coats the tender lining of a scratchy throat.
Take an over-the-counter pain medication. The medicine reduces throat pain for a short time. Take the medicine only as directed.
Run a vaporizer or humidifier at night in the bedroom. The humidifier or vaporizer emits moisture into the air, keeping dry air from further irritating your throat.
Avoid smoke-filled areas or stop smoking. Smoke irritates the throat, worsens pain and prohibits healing.
Wear a scarf around the neck and over your mouth and nose when out in blustery weather to filter the cold as you breathe in winter air.