The Best Way to Get Rid of a Cold
Things You'll Need
- Cool-mist humidifier
Drink water, juice or broth to stay hydrated. Your body needs fluids that are typically lost while sick, as mucus is produced while your body fights an infection. Water, caffeine-free tea and juice reduce dehydration and thin out the mucus to speed up your recovery time.
Sleep as much as possible. Your body heals itself while you are asleep, as the energy normally used to keep your mind and body active is redistributed to fight the viral infection. Call in sick and re-arrange your normal routine to get plenty of rest. Avoid contact with others during the first three to five days of your cold symptoms, as this is the period when you are most contagious.
Gargle with salt water. One-half tsp. per 8 oz. of warm water reduces the pain commonly associated with a sore throat. Use the salt water treatment twice a day to keep your throat free of irritation. If 1/2 tsp. causes pain, reduce the amount of salt to 1/4 tsp.
Use a cool-mist humidifier in your home. A cool-mist humidifier reduces congestion by adding moisture to the air, allowing mucus to properly drain from your sinuses. Wash the humidifier's reservoir daily to eliminate mold or bacteria from accumulating inside of it.
Wash your hands frequently. Clean hands protect you from exposure to germs and prevents your cold from spreading to others. Run your hands under hot water and rub anti-bacterial hand soap over your hands for 30 seconds to disinfect them.