How to Get Rid of a Cold That Lingers
Things You'll Need
- Multivitamin supplements
- Hand sanitizer
Drink water. When battling a cold, drink water continuously. Your body needs water to function, and is prone to dehydration while sick. During the last leg of a cold, your nose runs due to mucus buildup; water helps clear out the mucus by thinning it out.
Get enough sleep. Sleep for at least seven hours at night. Seven to eight hours of sleep, if not more, is essential to allow your body to rest and recover from being sick. Sleep with an open window at night or use a fan in your bedroom to keep the room cool for a comfortable night's rest.
Take multivitamins. Multivitamins that contain vitamin D, vitamin B12 and B6 are immune system boosters that are meant to supplement your daily vitamin intake from a healthy diet of fruit, vegetables and lean meat. Follow the vitamin's directions for proper dosage.
Wash your hands frequently. Your hands harbor millions of germs and you can easily spread those germs, thus prolonging your illness, if you touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Scrub your hands with hot, soapy water for at least 30 seconds to disinfect your hands or use hand sanitizer to kill germs.